Welcome to The O'Leary-Hauser Blog!

Written with love, honesty, and humor to let you have a peek into our lives as the boys grow and have many exciting years of fun, adventure, love, and happiness (with hopefully minimal mishaps).

Please join in the ride . . . .

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trip to the East Coast Part Trois - Final Installment - VA and DC

VA and DC - the final leg of our trip!

We hit A LOT of monuments . . .

We toured the Supreme Court and Capitol (our White House tour was cancelled - how rude of foreign events to necessitate a speech from the Rose Garden and a cancelling of tours for the day ours was scheduled on).

We all LOVED the Air and Space Museum.

We walked all over Old Towne Alexandria and saw mommy's friends Chris and Michelle.

Garrett doing his own performances and dancing to the street performers' music . . .

So fun catching up with old friends!  It's great to have kept in touch and kept meaningful friendships intact.

We visited mommy's friends Alice and Steve and their little boy Grayson (who dressed Garrett up).  We adore Alice and Steve and big G (and big and little G adore each other).

We closed out the trip with Mt. Vernon.  It was a whirlwind trip - but we saw a lot in a short period of time - and managed to eat lunch too.  We even made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare.

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