Welcome to The O'Leary-Hauser Blog!

Written with love, honesty, and humor to let you have a peek into our lives as the boys grow and have many exciting years of fun, adventure, love, and happiness (with hopefully minimal mishaps).

Please join in the ride . . . .

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2013

A little rough this year - Brady was sick for a week (fever for one day and congestion for a week), Garrett had a fever for 4 days and went to urgent care on Sat afternoon to have his ears, lungs, and throat checked and get a urine test, and now mommy is sick (strep throat).  Yuk.

Brady and daddy went to Auntie Julie's on Thursday for Thanksgiving, mommy and Brady went to cousin Stephanie's on Saturday for a family housewarming, and we generally laid low the rest of the time.  We took a few stroller walks and ran a few errands and just basically tried to recover.

Playing with bubble wrap and an empty box with Auntie . . .

Fun with photos with cousin Stephanie . . .

The Schaffer side of the family - what a motley crew!

Good thing Garrett got a Thanksgiving feast at school! 

He was also Rookie of the week - here are pix of his Rookie of the Week poster, the place cards mommy made all of his friends for the Thanksgiving party, and Garrett basking in post party fun.

G wearing the Thanksgiving necklace we brought for him and his friends to make . . .

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