Welcome to The O'Leary-Hauser Blog!

Written with love, honesty, and humor to let you have a peek into our lives as the boys grow and have many exciting years of fun, adventure, love, and happiness (with hopefully minimal mishaps).

Please join in the ride . . . .

Saturday, December 29, 2012

JANM and Little Tokyo

Another rainy day adventure - if this weather keeps up these will be the most cultured kids in America.

Mommy, Garrett, and Brady went to the Japanese American National Museum to run around and soak in some culture while poor daddy was at work - what we stumbled upon was the Giant Robot exhibit - very cool.  Garrett and Brady wanted to touch all of the robots though and were not too pleased they were all inaccessible and enclosed in glass cases.

Super cool museum - both the architecture and exhibits.  They also had a permanent Community Building exhibit with a lot of information and artifacts from the American internment camps.

We also ran across the street - we got lucky and it wasn't raining when we left the museum - we ate at Oiwake and discovered B LOVES udon noodles as much as G.  How could you not??!! Yum.

Yes - Garrett is wearing his astronaut suit - we were quite the crew - mommy with two rambunctious boys - and a super cute G who kept hiding from me and spent at least twenty minutes in the bathroom pooping while mommy's arms were breaking from holding B - it is also not easy balancing a 16 mo old on your knee while wiping a 3 yr old's butt (TMI, but my reality - so welcome to my world).

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