Welcome to The O'Leary-Hauser Blog!

Written with love, honesty, and humor to let you have a peek into our lives as the boys grow and have many exciting years of fun, adventure, love, and happiness (with hopefully minimal mishaps).

Please join in the ride . . . .

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Flock Together!

Another fun afternoon at Los Encinos Park.  We definitely need to help save this neighborhood park from closure - the State is in a budget crunch (as always) and this lovely park is on the closure list.

Not only is it historic, but it holds lots of memories of playing with Garrett and now Brady and Garrett together - and Bob even went there as a child.

Garrett is prouly displaying his "Flock Together" button.  Never too early to start a little activism!

Garrett had fun playing Ranger (again), we fed the ducks (OK - mostly the birds), and we played in the garden.  It was super-hot today, so I don't think there were a lot of visitors today - the birds were RAVENOUS and encircled G.  He didn't seem to mind.  B was with us too (it was a little challenging to take photos of him since he stayed in the Ergo today) - and he seemed to like all of the birds flying around too.

We also noticed they had new signs up - lots of people must have been feeding the ducks bread - so I read G the signs about how we only feed the ducks the duck food - how they eat seeds, etc. and how the bread is empty calories of sugar, etc. and changes their habitat (by changing the water composition).  G seemed to really get it, but then 15 minutes later he asked - what do those signs say? - like we never even talked about it!!?? Oh well.  So much for my little ecology lesson.  I try.

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