Welcome to The O'Leary-Hauser Blog!

Written with love, honesty, and humor to let you have a peek into our lives as the boys grow and have many exciting years of fun, adventure, love, and happiness (with hopefully minimal mishaps).

Please join in the ride . . . .

Monday, June 25, 2012

San Fernando Valley Mission

Here's some detail about it:

Mission San Fernando Rey de España was founded 8 September 1797 (17th in order) by Padre Fermin Francisco de Lasuen. The mission is named for St. Ferdinand, King of Spain (1217-1252). The Indian name was Pashecgna. A variety of problems, including the 1812 earthquakes and the digging up of the church floor by gold prospectors when gold was discovered nearby caused much of the mission to fall into disrepair. Some restored structures include the church, monastery and some quarters around the quadrangle. The church is active (we were there during Sunday morning services).

So nicely restored - why drive all the way to San Juan Capistrano??!

We toured the whole mission and played on the grounds.

The wine cellar was cool - although Garrett kept yelling that it smelled like pee pee (which it kind of did).

The other cool random thing was the oldest organ in North America.

We continue to try and find fun and interesting things in our own backyard . . .

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